Berkeley citizens are speaking up— crumbling road pavement conditions and frequent traffic collisions are unacceptable.

Berkeley Citizens for Safe Streets

Berkeley Citizens for Safe Streets is introducing a ballot measure to the City that will fix the unacceptable condition of our streets and sidewalks and make them safe for everyone. You can read the full text of the measure here.

After Measure L failed to get the required 2/3 vote in 2022, concerned citizens came together to address the decades of neglect of our city streets. The coalition, Berkeley Citizens for Safe Streets, includes public works and transportation safety experts, sustainability advocates, commissioners and elected officials, and community members who both supported and opposed Measure L in 2022, as well as support from Berkeley Neighbors for Housing and Climate Action, Walk Bike Berkeley, and former members of the Vision 2050 Task Force.

In drafting the measure, the coalition worked closely with stakeholders from across the city, soliciting feedback from five commissions, the City’s Public Works and Fire Departments, City Councilmembers, the City Auditor, and organizers of the No on L campaign.

Sign up to volunteer

We have to collect 3,000 signatures by May, which is a tall order so we need all the help we can get. Fill out the volunteer interest form below if you want to be a part of the action. Expect to hear from us about all the fun ways to stay involved over the coming weeks and months.

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